A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, G.E. Lindberg , C.L. Thieberger, K. Koga, W.M. Grundy, S.C. Tegler, S.M. Raposa, S.P. Tan, J.K. Steckloff (202X), Phases and Phase Behaviors of Mixtures Involving Methane, Ethane, Propane, and Nitrogen: Applications to Titan. In prep.
A.E. Engle, S. Cupp, G.E. Lindberg (202X), L’appel du Vide: Attraction of Mobile Species to the Sites of Delamination in Electrochemical Devices. In prep.
S.M. Raposa, S.P. Tan, W.M. Grundy, J.K. Steckloff, J. Hanley, S.C. Tegler, A.E. Engle, C.L. Thieberger, G.E. Lindberg (2024), N2-CO Binary Phase Diagram and a Method for Deriving Compositions Using Raman Spectroscopy. The Planetary Science Journal. In review.
A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, S.P. Tan, W.M. Grundy, S.C. Tegler, G.E. Lindberg, S.M. Raposa, J.K. Steckloff, C.L. Thieberger (2024), Ice Formation, Exsolution, and Multiphase Equilibria in the Methane–Ethane–Nitrogen System at Titan Surface Conditions. The Planetary Science Journal. Accepted.
S.M. Raposa & A.E. Engle, W.M. Grundy, J. Hanley, S.P. Tan, O.M. Umurhan, J.K. Steckloff, C.L. Thieberger, S.C. Tegler (2024), Pressure Outbursts from Cooling Volatile Liquid Mixtures (dual first-authorship). Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 129, e2024JE008457.
B.P. Blakley, W.M. Grundy, J.K. Steckloff, S.P. Tan, J. Hanley, A.E. Engle, S.C. Tegler, G.E. Lindberg, S.M. Raposa, K.J. Koga, C. Thieberger (2023), The Equilibrium Vapor Pressures of Ammonia and Oxygen Ices at Outer Solar System Temperatures. Planetary & Space Science. 244, 105863.
S.C. Tegler, W.M. Grundy, M.J. Loeffler, P.D. Tribbett, J. Hanley, A.V. Jasko, H. Dawson, K.J. Koga, A.O. Madden-Watson, M.D. Gomez, J.K. Steckloff, G.E. Lindberg, S.P. Tan, S.M. Raposa, A.E. Engle, C.L. Thieberger (2024), Optical Constants of Ices Important to Planetary Science from Laboratory Reflectance Spectroscopy. The Planetary Science Journal. 5, 2, 31.
S. Cupp, A.E. Engle, A. Hardin, G.E. Lindberg (2024), Identifying Local Interfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry, Part B. 128, 6, 1527–1534.
W.M. Grundy, S.C. Tegler, J.K. Steckloff, S.P. Tan, M.J. Loeffler, A.V. Jasko, K.J. Koga, S.M. Raposa, A.E. Engle, C.L. Thieberger, J. Hanley, G.E. Lindberg, M.D. Gomez, A.O. Madden-Watson (2023), Laboratory Measurement of Volatile Ice Vapor Pressures with a Quartz Crystal Microbalance. Icarus. p. 115767.
S.M. Raposa, S.P. Tan, W.M. Grundy, G.E. Lindberg, J. Hanley, J.K. Steckloff, S.C. Tegler, A.E. Engle, C.L. Thieberger (2022), Non-Isoplethic Measurement on the Solid-Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium of Binary Mixtures at Cryogenic Temperatures. Journal of Chemical Physics. 157, 064201.
A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, S. Dustrud, G.E. Lindberg, W.M. Grundy, G. Thompson, S.C. Tegler (2021), Phase Diagram for Methane–Ethane System and its Implications for Titan. The Planetary Science Journal. 2, 3,118.
J.K. Steckloff, J.M. Soderblom, K.K. Farnsworth, V.F. Chevrier, J. Hanley, A. Soto, J.J. Groven, W.M. Grundy, L.A. Pearce, S.C. Tegler, A.E. Engle (2020), Stratification Dynamics of Titan’s Lakes via Methane Evaporation. The Planetary Science Journal, 1, 2, 26.
S.C. Tegler, T. Stufflebeam, W. Grundy, J. Hanley, G.E. Lindberg, S. Dustrud, A. Engle, T. Dillingham, D. Matthew, D. Trilling, H. Roe, J. Llama, G. Mace, E. Quirico (2019), A New Two-Molecule Combination Band as a Diagnostic of Carbon Monoxide Diluted in Nitrogen Ice on Triton. Astronomical Journal. 158, id. 17.
A.E. Engle, S. Cupp, G.E. Lindberg (202X), L’appel du Vide: Attraction of Mobile Species to the Sites of Delamination in Electrochemical Devices. In prep.
S.M. Raposa, S.P. Tan, W.M. Grundy, J.K. Steckloff, J. Hanley, S.C. Tegler, A.E. Engle, C.L. Thieberger, G.E. Lindberg (2024), N2-CO Binary Phase Diagram and a Method for Deriving Compositions Using Raman Spectroscopy. The Planetary Science Journal. In review.
A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, S.P. Tan, W.M. Grundy, S.C. Tegler, G.E. Lindberg, S.M. Raposa, J.K. Steckloff, C.L. Thieberger (2024), Ice Formation, Exsolution, and Multiphase Equilibria in the Methane–Ethane–Nitrogen System at Titan Surface Conditions. The Planetary Science Journal. Accepted.
S.M. Raposa & A.E. Engle, W.M. Grundy, J. Hanley, S.P. Tan, O.M. Umurhan, J.K. Steckloff, C.L. Thieberger, S.C. Tegler (2024), Pressure Outbursts from Cooling Volatile Liquid Mixtures (dual first-authorship). Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 129, e2024JE008457.
B.P. Blakley, W.M. Grundy, J.K. Steckloff, S.P. Tan, J. Hanley, A.E. Engle, S.C. Tegler, G.E. Lindberg, S.M. Raposa, K.J. Koga, C. Thieberger (2023), The Equilibrium Vapor Pressures of Ammonia and Oxygen Ices at Outer Solar System Temperatures. Planetary & Space Science. 244, 105863.
S.C. Tegler, W.M. Grundy, M.J. Loeffler, P.D. Tribbett, J. Hanley, A.V. Jasko, H. Dawson, K.J. Koga, A.O. Madden-Watson, M.D. Gomez, J.K. Steckloff, G.E. Lindberg, S.P. Tan, S.M. Raposa, A.E. Engle, C.L. Thieberger (2024), Optical Constants of Ices Important to Planetary Science from Laboratory Reflectance Spectroscopy. The Planetary Science Journal. 5, 2, 31.
S. Cupp, A.E. Engle, A. Hardin, G.E. Lindberg (2024), Identifying Local Interfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry, Part B. 128, 6, 1527–1534.
W.M. Grundy, S.C. Tegler, J.K. Steckloff, S.P. Tan, M.J. Loeffler, A.V. Jasko, K.J. Koga, S.M. Raposa, A.E. Engle, C.L. Thieberger, J. Hanley, G.E. Lindberg, M.D. Gomez, A.O. Madden-Watson (2023), Laboratory Measurement of Volatile Ice Vapor Pressures with a Quartz Crystal Microbalance. Icarus. p. 115767.
S.M. Raposa, S.P. Tan, W.M. Grundy, G.E. Lindberg, J. Hanley, J.K. Steckloff, S.C. Tegler, A.E. Engle, C.L. Thieberger (2022), Non-Isoplethic Measurement on the Solid-Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium of Binary Mixtures at Cryogenic Temperatures. Journal of Chemical Physics. 157, 064201.
A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, S. Dustrud, G.E. Lindberg, W.M. Grundy, G. Thompson, S.C. Tegler (2021), Phase Diagram for Methane–Ethane System and its Implications for Titan. The Planetary Science Journal. 2, 3,118.
J.K. Steckloff, J.M. Soderblom, K.K. Farnsworth, V.F. Chevrier, J. Hanley, A. Soto, J.J. Groven, W.M. Grundy, L.A. Pearce, S.C. Tegler, A.E. Engle (2020), Stratification Dynamics of Titan’s Lakes via Methane Evaporation. The Planetary Science Journal, 1, 2, 26.
S.C. Tegler, T. Stufflebeam, W. Grundy, J. Hanley, G.E. Lindberg, S. Dustrud, A. Engle, T. Dillingham, D. Matthew, D. Trilling, H. Roe, J. Llama, G. Mace, E. Quirico (2019), A New Two-Molecule Combination Band as a Diagnostic of Carbon Monoxide Diluted in Nitrogen Ice on Triton. Astronomical Journal. 158, id. 17.
First Author Conference Proceedings
A.E. Engle, A.M. Parsons, P.N. Peplowski (2024), Nuclear spectroscopy on a new world: tuning the Dragonfly Gamma-ray and Neutron Spectrometer (DraGNS) for Titan’s surface environment. 4th Arizona Astrobiology Symposium.
A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, C.L. Thieberger, W.M. Grundy, S.C. Tegler, G.E. Lindberg, S.P. Tan, S.M. Raposa, J.K. Steckloff (2023), Exsolution and other Phase Behaviors in the Methane-Ethane-Propane-Nitrogen System. Titan Through Time VI.
A.E. Engle, P.N. Peplowski, A.M. Parsons, M. Ayllon-Unzueta, J.T. Wilson, Z.W. Yokley, S.M. MacKenzie, S.L. Murchie, E.P. Turtle, R.D. Lorenz, D.J. Lawrence, R.D. Starr (2023), Tuning DraGNS' Interpretations to Titan's Expected Surface Environment. LPSC LIV, Abstract #2545.
A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, C.L. Thieberger, W.M. Grundy, S.C. Tegler, G.E. Lindberg, S.P. Tan, S.M. Raposa, J.K. Steckloff (2023), Adding Propane to the Methane–Ethane–Nitrogen System at Titan-like Conditions. 1st Workshop for Ices in the Solar System.
A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, C.L. Thieberger, W.M. Grundy, S.C. Tegler, G.E. Lindberg, S.P. Tan, S.M. Raposa, J.K. Steckloff (2022), Adding Propane to the Methane–Ethane–Nitrogen System at Titan-like Conditions. 54th DPS Meeting.
A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, S.P. Tan (2021). Mapping the Changes of the Methane-Ethane Freezing Points with the Addition of Nitrogen at Constant Vapor Pressure. 53rd DPS Meeting.
A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, S.P. Tan (2021), Mapping the Changes of the Methane-Ethane Freezing Points with the Addition of Nitrogen at Constant Vapor Pressure. Titan Through Time V.
A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, S.P. Tan, S.C. Tegler, W.M. Grundy, G.E. Lindberg, J.K. Steckloff (2021), Mapping Changes in the Methane-Ethane System When Adding Nitrogen at Titan Surface Conditions. LPSC LII, Abstract #1722.
A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, S. Dustrud, G. Thompson, G.E. Lindberg, W.M. Grundy, S.C. Tegler (2020), Phase Diagram for the Methane-Ethane System at Conditions Relevant to Titan. 52nd DPS Meeting.
A. Engle, J. Hanley, W.M. Grundy, S. Dustrud, G.E. Lindberg, S.C. Tegler (2019), Identifying the Solid Phase Transitions of Ethane Using Raman Spectroscopy at Conditions Relevant to Titan’s Surface. Northern Arizona Planetary Science Alliance (NAPSA) Poster Session.
A. Engle, J. Hanley, W.M. Grundy, S. Dustrud, G.E. Lindberg, S.C. Tegler (2019), Ethane Studies at Conditions Relevant to Titan. Flagstaff Astronomy Symposium.
A. Engle, J. Hanley, W.M. Grundy, S. Dustrud, G.E. Lindberg, S.C. Tegler (2019), Identifying the Solid Phase Transitions of Ethane Using Raman Spectroscopy at Conditions Relevant to Titan’s Surface. LPSC L, Abstract #2509.
A. Engle, J. Hanley, W.M. Grundy, G.E. Lindberg, S. Dustrud, S.C. Tegler (2018), Laboratory Experiments of Ices Relevant to Outer Solar System Bodies. Flagstaff Astronomy Symposium.
A. Engle, W. Grundy, S. Dustrud (2018), Raman Shop: Exploring the Carbon Monoxide-Nitrogen-Methane Ternary System of Sputnik Planitia via Raman Spectroscopy. LPSC XLIX, Abstract #2763.
A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, C.L. Thieberger, W.M. Grundy, S.C. Tegler, G.E. Lindberg, S.P. Tan, S.M. Raposa, J.K. Steckloff (2023), Exsolution and other Phase Behaviors in the Methane-Ethane-Propane-Nitrogen System. Titan Through Time VI.
A.E. Engle, P.N. Peplowski, A.M. Parsons, M. Ayllon-Unzueta, J.T. Wilson, Z.W. Yokley, S.M. MacKenzie, S.L. Murchie, E.P. Turtle, R.D. Lorenz, D.J. Lawrence, R.D. Starr (2023), Tuning DraGNS' Interpretations to Titan's Expected Surface Environment. LPSC LIV, Abstract #2545.
A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, C.L. Thieberger, W.M. Grundy, S.C. Tegler, G.E. Lindberg, S.P. Tan, S.M. Raposa, J.K. Steckloff (2023), Adding Propane to the Methane–Ethane–Nitrogen System at Titan-like Conditions. 1st Workshop for Ices in the Solar System.
A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, C.L. Thieberger, W.M. Grundy, S.C. Tegler, G.E. Lindberg, S.P. Tan, S.M. Raposa, J.K. Steckloff (2022), Adding Propane to the Methane–Ethane–Nitrogen System at Titan-like Conditions. 54th DPS Meeting.
A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, S.P. Tan (2021). Mapping the Changes of the Methane-Ethane Freezing Points with the Addition of Nitrogen at Constant Vapor Pressure. 53rd DPS Meeting.
A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, S.P. Tan (2021), Mapping the Changes of the Methane-Ethane Freezing Points with the Addition of Nitrogen at Constant Vapor Pressure. Titan Through Time V.
A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, S.P. Tan, S.C. Tegler, W.M. Grundy, G.E. Lindberg, J.K. Steckloff (2021), Mapping Changes in the Methane-Ethane System When Adding Nitrogen at Titan Surface Conditions. LPSC LII, Abstract #1722.
A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, S. Dustrud, G. Thompson, G.E. Lindberg, W.M. Grundy, S.C. Tegler (2020), Phase Diagram for the Methane-Ethane System at Conditions Relevant to Titan. 52nd DPS Meeting.
A. Engle, J. Hanley, W.M. Grundy, S. Dustrud, G.E. Lindberg, S.C. Tegler (2019), Identifying the Solid Phase Transitions of Ethane Using Raman Spectroscopy at Conditions Relevant to Titan’s Surface. Northern Arizona Planetary Science Alliance (NAPSA) Poster Session.
A. Engle, J. Hanley, W.M. Grundy, S. Dustrud, G.E. Lindberg, S.C. Tegler (2019), Ethane Studies at Conditions Relevant to Titan. Flagstaff Astronomy Symposium.
A. Engle, J. Hanley, W.M. Grundy, S. Dustrud, G.E. Lindberg, S.C. Tegler (2019), Identifying the Solid Phase Transitions of Ethane Using Raman Spectroscopy at Conditions Relevant to Titan’s Surface. LPSC L, Abstract #2509.
A. Engle, J. Hanley, W.M. Grundy, G.E. Lindberg, S. Dustrud, S.C. Tegler (2018), Laboratory Experiments of Ices Relevant to Outer Solar System Bodies. Flagstaff Astronomy Symposium.
A. Engle, W. Grundy, S. Dustrud (2018), Raman Shop: Exploring the Carbon Monoxide-Nitrogen-Methane Ternary System of Sputnik Planitia via Raman Spectroscopy. LPSC XLIX, Abstract #2763.
Public Talks
“Titan Underground: Karst Systems,” Lowell Observatory Astronomy on Tap, May 2023
“Experimental Studies of Phase Behaviors in Hydrocarbon+Nitrogen Mixtures at Titan Surface-like Conditions” LPI Seminar Series, May 2023
"Hydrocarbons in the Lakes of Titan," New Mexico State University Colloquium, April 2022.
"Hydrocarbons in the Lakes of Titan," Phoenix Astronomical Society, September 2021.
“Experimental Studies of Phase Behaviors in Hydrocarbon+Nitrogen Mixtures at Titan Surface-like Conditions” LPI Seminar Series, May 2023
"Hydrocarbons in the Lakes of Titan," New Mexico State University Colloquium, April 2022.
"Hydrocarbons in the Lakes of Titan," Phoenix Astronomical Society, September 2021.